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Saturday, December 4, 2010

A few days ago I was looking for an old blue print a customer wanted when my boss suggested to clean out storage area because it was becoming difficult to find any of the prints we were looking for because of the ancient prints that were not being used anymore. So I did and what did I find? I found a 1955 print of Gatzke School by Wells & Denbrook.

I was enrolled in Gatzke from first to third grade and this print caught my attention, so I asked to keep it. The school building is no longer a school and is being used for some type of garage today. It is interesting to probably be the only person to have the only print of a school that has settled into the forgotten dust of recent history. Who cares people say, well there were quite a few childhood memories that played out in Gatzke's school yard and are still in the memories of persons my age, with its wood plank see-saws and heavy iron pipe and chain swings with steel and wood seats. I looked at the details of the print and it had the layout of what would become the Gym and lunch room. I remember Mrs Ione Peterson the lunch lady who served us lunch and the gym became a lunch room with tables that each day had to be put out, cleaned up and then put back after we had eaten.
Note: Grygla,Gatzke,Skime school district 447 was formed on August 29, 1969.

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